Since ancient times, famous doctors and healers have struggled with the dying and the feminine, sexuality, the creation of a number of decoctions of herbs, as well as increased libido of women, including in their diet a complex of various food products. These recipes, but also the names of the herbs are preserved up to our days.

That affect on the female libido
The life of modern women is directly linked with the various stress appearing on the work, in the conduct of the domestic economy. To this you must add the violation of the menstrual cycle, common diseases of the body, but also the presence of bad habits and sedentary lifestyle.
All these negative factors lead to the fact that the libido of a greater number of women begins to fall, in the middle appears this disease, such as lack of sexual desire for the opposite sex. It is a direct path to the disintegration of the family.
In a modern information space, a large number of materials and targeted advice on how to free men from sexual impotence. Female problems are more contained, even if it is wrong.
That leads to a reduction of female sexuality and libido:
- psychological stress;
- bad habits (smoke, alcohol);
- disorders of the menstrual cycle;
- diseases associated with violation of the functioning of the internal organs;
- sedentary life-style;
- the pregnancy and the birth of a child.
All of this can lead to the fact that the female libido falls, and the beautiful half simply do not want to intimacy.
To get rid of this, it is necessary to start the treatment.
Which treatment is most effective
Of course, modern medicine is not in place and offers patients a variety of ways to treat this female disease.
Modern medicine offers two ways.

- General medical, which includes the treatment of a variety of drugs prescribed, are assigned with the procedure, you will discover the help of a psychologist, and also the diet and the execution of various physical exercises.
- The treatment of this disease the variety of herbs, honey products and special power supply. This method is also called the people.
In the first method, the main objective of the treatment of women in the general cleansing of the body (liberation from diseases of the internal organs, the sustainable recovery of the menstrual cycle, removal of stress, through the use of sedative drugs, and the help of a psychologist). Here is also a special diet and exercise, under the supervision of a qualified instructor.
The second method involves three main areas to increase libido in women:
- herbal medicine (herb);
- apitherapy (use of bee products);
- hirudotherapy (with application to certain places leeches).
Herbal medicine provides an increase in female sexuality and sexual desire with the help of the various decoctions and infusions of herbs, as well as their use in salads and other dishes.
This occurs in combination with proper nutrition, diet, and exercise.
Apitherapy, provides for increasing the libido in women with the help of the products of beekeeping. To him is attributed the honey and the pollen of the plants. Honey and pollen contain whole complex of trace elements, minerals, increase the secretion of female hormones, which stimulate the sexual desire of a woman to the opposite sex.
Also to increase female libido is used hirudotherapy, where in certain places in the pelvic are placed medicinal leeches. This method should only be used under the guidance of a professional, do it yourself is not advisable.
It is important to understand that the treatment is not effective, if you do not get rid of bad habits, not to cure serious diseases.

Increasing the level of libido with the help of medicinal herbs
Phytotherapy and apitherapy known since ancient times, because these types of treatments are used on-site.
Honey and products of beekeeping contain in themselves the elements that are necessary for the body of a woman, in addition to this they are easily absorbed by the body, without any additional burden of the body.
But the honey and pollen are not aphrodisiacs, and their main purpose is to the general welfare of the organism.
And healthy the female body automatically increases the libido, as well as a woman feels great, has produced female hormones in the required amount, and it becomes not only attractive, but it greatly increases the libido.
Herbal medicine is the use of herbs to increase sexual desire, but also to the general well being of the organism, in terms of the production of a greater amount of testosterone, which is responsible for sexual desire.
To increase libido have used the following herbs:
- ginger;
- is creeping;
- wild strawberries;
- rosemary;
- parsley;
- the celery;
- leaves of laurel;
- coriander;
- the root of ginseng;
- the flowers of the chestnut tree.
Also, for the increase of sexual desire meet these exotic plants, such as:
- the leaves of damiana;
- wild yam;
- nigrum cohosh racemate;
- miura-puama;
- ginko biloba;
- arginine.
And, of course, to increase sexual desire using some plants that are known from the ancient treatise of indian love, and that is:
- ashwagandha;
- shatavari.
Stimulation — the herb ashwagandha, shatavari (translated with an indian-100 men), rhodiola rosea, ginger, parsley. It is possible to equate the kernel of the nut.

Practical advice for the preparation of some of the concoctions
An hour prior to sexual activity may be taken alcohol tincture, where to is the extract of rhodiola rosea and eleutherococcus senticosus. Drink two teaspoons. This dye is contraindicated in women who have hypertension, or high blood pressure.
Some experts recommend in the course of the month of consuming nuts 75 grams of core per day, two or three tablespoons of chopped core and honey.
Kernel, mixed with honey, they should stay in the fridge.
The preparation of the various herbal concoctions of the above is better left to the professionals, because not every body has the property of digestibility are in these micronutrients.
Some women may suffer allergies to components.
The allergy may cause various adverse effects.
To all this we must add that there is also "erotic" cuisine, that is also able of making miracles. It includes a variety of salads, including ginger, parsley, coriander, and other useful green. It is not possible to renounce to the fish, which are a stimulating female sexual desire.
Experts recommend to include in your on a steady diet of ginger. You can eat as a side dish or buy a special ginger tea and drink every day.
Herbs that increase female libido, is not a novelty, and the everyday life of the modern woman.
Not only are they able to increase sexual desire, but, and rejuvenate the body, supply him with important trace elements.